It is important for Pirtin Kehräämö that while high-quality domestic wool is produced, the vitality of the Finnish countryside remains strong.
Because of this, cooperation with sheep farmers has always played and will play a key role with the spinning mill’s activities. Its importance has been emphasised both by the growth in direct sales from farms and by the spinning industry as they increasingly focus on the quality of the yarns they sell. The importance of cooperation with sheep farmers is highlighted when the goal is to improve the quality of raw wool material. This is mainly reflected in the quality classification and sorting of wool that is done when wool shipments are received at the spinning mill.
Pirtin Kehräämö offers several services for sheep farmers:
- The spinning mill buys high-quality wool for its own production directly from farmers
- Farmers can have their own wool spun into different types of wool yarns
- Sheep farmers can also exchange wool for stock products at the price of the spinning service